affect for blog site as result your link will show up at the top of google search engine. it is very
important to get pagerank for your blog site and wordpress because if you get this ranks a lot of
visitors will come to your blog links. there are many reason google will give pagerank :
1. Relevant content is the main priority.
2. Have a more backlinks because your blog site is very helpful for visitors.
3. Google algorithm this is the main reason to get pageranks.
![when google give a pagerank pagerank check](
what is exactly google algorithm, the founder of google algorithm is larry page and sergey brin. in
the approache that have been describe in the article pagerank algorithm as below.
the first algorithm
PR (A) = (1-D) + D { (PR(T1) / C(T1) + . . . + PR(TN) / C(TN) }
PR (A) it is pagerank, PR(T1) it is pagerank from T1 to PR (A), C it is an outbound link from T1,
and D it is factor between give 0 and 1.
the algortihm can be seen in that pagerank determine for each of page site it is not the whole site.
pageranks determine from pages that refer to links which also process the pagerank in the same way.
then finally this process will be repeated until the right result. after all about pagerank and
everythings about it need a process, read the next article about using nofollow in a blog site.