Why Blog Sites Disappear From Search Result

Its all about a different blocked and unblocked site or blog. you will see notice when a visitors

traffic get down very drastically when it will happen? this will happen if the content of your site is no

longer relevant, and that clearly will be decrease in your traffic or level of google ranking page of

your current site. your blog title will disappear from the Search engine, why did it have happen to

your site. you should change content of the page that can make it disappear from the search result in

google. you should always make a new fresh content and update your blog site to be existing pages

into a new and the title content must new to make your pagerank back to its original position in

search engine. there is many reason why title of your page disappear and almost drop from the

original position and disappear in search result.

1. your site has a page that can not be indexed by google or other browsers

2. the content of the page are not appropriate and visitors lazy to visit your blog site.

3. blog site title same as like the other blog site.

4. copy paste content from other people blog site.

5. to many competitor.

6. and the last you always update non relevant content

after you change necessary in your blog site, you always should make a new relevant content to other

people who visit your blog and make sure you must always update your blog site. search engine very

like to crawl a new content and this will make get fast indexed to show up in the list of search

engine. read about how to access when your site or blog are blocked and how to unblock it

Cerita Hantu

Custom Search