Between PageRank and Visitors Stat

a little secret behind pagerank and visitors stat in your blog, are you still thinking about pagerank?

forget that, pagerank come from algorithm but visitors? what will you write keyword or looking for

in the google search engine? google said about a relevant content not about pagerank, google will

serve to people a relevant content or looking for, to show in the search engine result. this is not about

pagerank, but a relevant content make visitors love to come in your blog site. I am not a pro in seo,

I am love to write what I know to share my opinion with other.
visitors stat pagerank
even you dont have pagerank in your blog site, dont to much have obsessed with pagerank. let it

flow with your visitors and always make visitors love your blog site, the very important is visitors.

pagerank just help your blog to show up in the first search result. do not disappointed a loyal visitors

that always come to your blog site even your blog site dont have pagerank.

even if you dont have a blog pagerank, but the pride of visitors come to your blog is a pride for you.

if you want to read another article you may like to read between pageview and unique visitors.

 between pageview and unique visitors

Cerita Hantu

Custom Search