How to Use Proxy

what is proxy and how to use proxy for someone dont know proxy in their mind always thinks if I

know proxy are proxy is helpful for me or for what I am use proxy. a proxy server is a server that can

act as the other computer in other word for request to a content of the internet itself or intranet. proxy

server like a gateway for internet in each client of computer, proxy server is invisible to the other

client who using same on computer. a user who interacting with internet through a proxy server will

not know that a proxy server is handling their internet. a web server receives a request from the

proxy server that will read these request as if the request came directly from client itself. proxy can

also be use in to secure private network that is connected to a public network (high anonymous) such

like in the internet. proxy server have more function than a router, in that features packet filtering

proxy server because it operate in high level and and have been complete a control over all to the

access internet. proxy serve like a security for use in private network, this is also known as firewall.

a people who always using proxy called proxyman ! lol, to use a proxy you need read the next article

2 Tips how to unblock with proxy after read that article you will know how to use proxy in 2 Tips.

the next articleis about when my blog will get pagerank from google, maybe you want to know when

that time comes up exactly read the article in the next section.

when my blog will get pagerank

Cerita Hantu

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